Saturday, January 28, 2012

Interactivity #1: Technology as Autobiography

#1: Laptop       #2: Cell phone                         #3: Navigation (GPS)
Olivia’s famous technology tools are ipod, cellphone, myspace and online games. She does not own the computer but by using it in school and her friend’s house, she learned how to use it and how to enjoy it. There were only few students in her class who have a computer. Even in New Jersey, poor areas and poor school exist. Students cannot have their own computer and they rely on school to give instruction with technology. Olivia is very interested in learning new things especially using the computer and other technologies to create her own identity. Even though she does not have a computer, she is motivated to learn it and she figured out many things by herself without a teacher. Olivia teaches me that technology attracts young people and if they want, they can learn it fast and be well on it easily. I should use technology more when I teach music to grab their attentions. Also, her “big sister” Dawn, learns from Olivia about the technology, which means, when I teach in my classrooms, my students will know more about technology than I do. They are more interested in using the technology in my opinion and I feel that she spends more time with it even though I do own my computer.
The three most influential communications technologies in my life are (1) my laptop, (2) cellphone and (3) the navigation
#1 My Laptop: I use my laptop for 5 hours a day, checking e-mails and doing homeworks. Because I do not watch the TV, I see the latest news and watch videos on my laptop. That is how it shapes my life for better. However, sometimes I waste my time when I spend too much time with it. I use it almost every morning and night. I wish I could spend more time on book readings.
#2 Cell phone: The second most influential communications technology is my cell phone. I try to charge my phone frequently because I have to pick up the phone whenever my boyfriend calls me from Korea. My cell phone is our only communication tool. On the other hand, the cell phone is very annoying when it is ringing while I am in the class and when I am concentrated on something.
#3 Navigation (GPS): I spend many hours in my car going to new places. Whenever I drive, I turn it on and use it to find the direction. The paper map does not work well with me. However, it sometimes guides me to take a local road and eventually it takes longer than I expected.              
Through using the laptop, I learn new information about people I know (facebook), about professors’ opinions on projects (email), and about what is going on in the world by watching news. Using my cell phone, I can talk to my friends. The navigation gives me the information of the direction while I am in the car.
There are similarities and differences between me and young people in the video with the usage of technology. The similarities are that both of us use the technology in order to get some kind of information. We use it for our homework assignments and school projects. Also, it is similar that the technology takes an important part in all our life. Some young people said that “I cannot live without my laptop,” and “my cellphone is like my third hand.” I do not think that we cannot survive without it, but it is obvious that it will be much uncomfortable living without it for all of us. Finally, we all form and shape our identity through the usage of technology. We enjoy using technology and get benefits out of it.   
However, it seems like young people use the technology more for fun than I use my technology for that. I use these communications technology in order to get information and communication for the most of times. I do not play the game or spend too much time with websites like myspace or facebook. In addition, some young people in both videos loved making and listening to music with their ipods and computers, but I do not love listening to music while I am using my laptop, cellphone or the navigation. I rather listen to music in the car while I am driving.